Valor e Preço II – Módulo Columbia – NY (DCO5945)





Avaliar os conceitos de valor e preço e sua aplicação em direito comparado.

Fox, Merrit B. “Halliburton II: it all depends on what defendants need to show to establish no impact on price.” Bus. Law. 70 (2014): 437.

Choi, Albert H., and Eric L. Talley. “Appraising the’Merger Price’Appraisal Rule.” (2017).

Macey, Jonathan, and Mitts, Joshua. “Asking the right question: the statutory right of appraisal and efficient markets” (2018)
Damodaran, Aswath. Finanças corporativas aplicadas: manual do usuário. Bookman, 2002., pp. 609-676
Fourcade, Marion, and Kieran Healy. “Moral views of market society.” Annu. Rev. Sociol. 33 (2007): 285-311.
Gogerty, Nick. The Nature of Value: How to Invest in the Adaptive Economy. Columbia University Press, 2014.pp.
Lamont, Michèle. “Toward a comparative sociology of valuation and evaluation.” Sociology 38.1 (2012): 201.
Patel, Raj. The value of nothing: How to reshape market society and redefine democracy. Granta, 2011.
Sandel, Michael J. “What money can’t buy: the moral limits of markets.”Tanner Lectures on Human Values 21 (2000): 87-122.
Zingales, Luigi. A capitalism for the people: Recapturing the lost genius of American prosperity. Basic books, 2012
Martins, Eliseu (org.) “A avaliação de Empresas: Da mensuração Contábil à Econômica” Atlas, 2001.